In Need of a Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer?

At Waddoups Law Personal Injury Attorneys, our Salt Lake City slip-and-fall accident and injury lawyers know that obtaining the correct facts and investigating the claim thoroughly is extremely important when someone is injured on somebody else’s property.

Premises liability claims are complicated. Many injured people do not realize they have a claim against the property owners, managers, or any contractor/subcontractor who may be working on the premises.

It is essential to contact the Midvale slip and fall lawyers to investigate which parties are responsible for or have contributed to causing your injuries.

Our personal injury attorneys in Salt Lake County operate as your team and want to deliver much-needed relief through our compassion, attention to detail, and tenacious advocacy.

Once you partner with our Utah personal injury law firm, you can rest easy knowing your team has represented clients in more than 1,200 mediation/arbitration cases and over 85 jury trials with tremendous success. Let us use our over 90 years of combined experience to help you and your family confidently move forward.

Contact our Salt Lake City slip and fall accident attorneys today to learn more during a free consultation.

What Are Utah Slip and Fall Accidents, and Who Can Be Held Liable for the Injuries

What Are Utah Slip and Fall Accidents, and Who Can Be Held Liable for the Injuries That Result?

At Waddoups Law Personal Injury Attorneys, our Midvale personal injury lawyers believe in focusing on our clients to help them physically, emotionally, and financially recover after a slip and fall accident. We understand that when another person or party’s negligence changes your life, you need a team of personal injury attorneys in your corner.

Some of the most common types of slip and fall accidents in Utah can be attributed to unsafe conditions, property hazards, and other preventable premises liability causes that may include, but are not limited to:

  • Broken Stairs and Handrails.
  • Inadequate Maintenance.
  • Loose Carpet and Rugs.
  • Obstructions in Walkways.
  • Poor Lighting.
  • Uneven or Damaged Flooring.
  • Unmarked Hazards/Inadequate Warning Signs.
  • Unsafe Construction Zones.
  • Wet or Slippery Surfaces.

Under Utah law, the property owner has a NON­ DELEGABLE DUTY to ensure that the premises are reasonably safe for intended users or individuals who may be frequenting the property.

In short, this means several parties can be liable for slip and fall accidents, depending on the accident’s circumstances and the location, including:

  • Property Owners.
  • Property Managers.
  • Business Tenants.
  • Maintenance Companies.
  • Contractors & Subcontractors.
  • Employees.
  • Construction Companies.

To prove one or more parties are liable for our client’s injuries, our Midvale slip and fall lawyers must demonstrate the following:

  • Duty of Care: The property owner or occupier must have a legal duty to maintain the property in a reasonably safe condition for visitors.
  • Breach of Duty: The responsible party must have breached this duty by failing to address known hazards or by not performing regular maintenance and inspections.
  • Causation: The breach of duty must directly cause the slip and fall accident.
  • Damages: The injured party must have suffered actual damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, or pain and suffering resulting from the accident.

Under the old law, a distinction was attempted to be made as to whether the person injured on the property was the invitee, guest, or trespasser. Those particular distinctions have somewhat faded. The area of premises liability is complicated.

If you are involved in such an accident, documenting the conditions that led to the fall, seeking medical attention, and consulting with our skilled personal injury attorneys in Salt Lake City can help protect your rights and potentially secure compensation for your injuries.

What Types of Damages Can I Pursue After Suffering Slip and Fall Injuries in Utah?

Under Utah law, you are entitled to two broad categories of damages in a personal injury claim. The first type is called special damages. The second type is called general damages. Under each type of damage, there are subparts.

Your team of experienced slip and fall accident attorneys at Waddoups Law Personal Injury Attorneys will analyze your medical records, talk to you about your injuries, and discuss how these injuries have affected you and your life in the future.

Regarding each subcategory involved in your case, your team will discuss the damages in those two broad categories and subparts in the demand letter we submit to the insurance company to resolve your case once you are released from treatment.

  • Special Damages.

Under Utah law, the broad subparts of your special damages are your past, present, and future medical bills; past, present, and future lost wages; out-of-pocket expenses; and consequential damages. Your team will analyze these subcategories to see which ones apply to your case when they do the demand letter to resolve your case with the insurance company.

  • General Damages.

Under Utah law, the broad subparts of general damages are typically your physical pain and suffering, emotional pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, permanent impairment/permanent disability, permanent scarring, and an increased likelihood of re-injury or aggravation to a preexisting condition. Your team will analyze your medical records and discuss the various aspects of your subcategories to general damages. All of the subcategories that apply in your case will be addressed in your demand letter to the insurance company when it is time to settle your case.

Your doctor’s will determine when you be released from treatment. You can be released from treatment for several different reasons.

  • First, under Utah law, you can be released from treatment because you have fully recovered.
  • Second, you can be released from treatment because you did not have the resources to continue the treatment, even though you are still in pain.
  • Third, you can be released from treatment because you have reached MMI. “MMI” means that you have reached maximum medical improvement. What this means is you are not fully healed from your injuries, but the medical treatment is no longer improving your condition. Accordingly, the doctor has determined that you are stabilized, meaning that you are not going to get any worse and you are not going to get any better, and therefore, treatment is of no benefit or help to you. At either stage, once that happens, your team will then discuss with you putting together your demand letter to settle your case.
  • Lost Wages.

When you are injured in an accident, your injuries may be such that you miss work. You must inform your team how much time you have missed work. If you receive benefits, paid or sick leave, you need to explain this to your team so they can claim that you had to utilize your paid or sick leave to get paid while you were missing work.

Even though you did not miss any wages, if you had to use your sick leave or paid leave to receive a paycheck while you were recovering from your injuries, your team will attempt to recover those lost benefits you used to receive a paycheck while you were in treatment or recovering from your injuries.

Most insurance companies require you to have a note from your doctor stating that you could not go to work because of your injuries during the period you were off work. Sometimes, a doctor will say that you can go to work under certain limitations or restrictions. Many employers of clients who sustain injuries do not allow them to do light duty or modify their workload because there is no light duty or modified work. In those cases, your team will continue to fight for your lost wages from the negligent party’s insurance company to get you adequately compensated.

  • Case Value.

Since your team is experienced, they know that the value of your case cannot be adequately determined until all of the information is gathered for your general and special damages. Once all of the information has been provided to your team, your team will analyze the data and discuss the potential value of your case based on the facts of the accident, your injuries, and the treatment you underwent.

  • Settlement Negotiations.

After your team receives all of the information and prepares the demand letter, the demand letter will be sent to the responsible insurance company to resolve your case. Your team will attach all necessary documentation to establish your case’s value. You will be kept in the loop as to the negotiations. Once the insurance company makes an initial offer, your attorney will discuss that with you.

Counteroffers will be made until we determine that the insurance company states the maximum they are willing to settle your case for. After that, we will decide whether to advise you to accept the offer, attempt mediation, attempt arbitration, or go into litigation.

If the case does not settle through settlement negotiations, the other steps of mediation, arbitration, or litigation will be explained to you in detail before a lawsuit is filed. If you decide to go into litigation, our skilled slip-and-fall accident attorneys will provide you with a copy of the lawsuit and a letter explaining the litigation process.


Contact Our Trusted Slip and Fall Accident Attorneys in Salt Lake City, Utah to Discuss Your Claim During a Free Consultation

Waddoups Law Personal Injury Attorneys has represented thousands of Utah clients, successfully obtaining settlements during negotiations and fighting for their rights and optimal outcomes in jury trials for more than 90 combined years.

If you have been hurt in a slip and fall accident anywhere in Utah, contact our Salt Lake City personal injury attorneys today to discuss your claim during a free consultation. We provide top-notch legal representation on a contingency basis and never recover any legal fees until we win your case. Even then, we promise our clients that their net settlement will be more than our legal fee recovery percentage because it is the right way to do business.