In Need of a Product Liability Lawyer?

At Waddoups Law Personal Injury Attorneys, our Salt Lake City product liability lawyers hold manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, and retailers accountable for their legal responsibility for injuries caused by defective or unsafe products they produce, distribute, or sell.

Our legal role in these cases ensures that these parties are held liable for placing products into the hands of consumers that cause harm due to defects or hazards. Unfortunately, these incidents are not uncommon.

Last year, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission issued nearly 250 product recalls for defective consumer products. In addition, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulates medical devices, medication, and other healthcare products relied upon by millions of Americans each year. It is responsible for recalling and removing them from public use before they cause any additional damage. Sadly, consumer and medical product recalls and removals are often only issued after injuries and fatalities have resulted from their use.

Our unwavering commitment is to our clients, to help them physically, emotionally, and financially recover after an incident involving defective products. We understand that when another party’s negligence alters your life, you need a team of seasoned personal injury attorneys.

Our personal injury attorneys in Salt Lake County operate as your team and want to deliver much-needed relief through our compassion, attention to detail, and tenacious advocacy.

When you choose to work with our Utah personal injury law firm, you can be confident in our track record. We have successfully represented clients in more than 1,200 mediation/arbitration cases and over 85 jury trials. With our over 90 years of combined experience, we are ready to help you and your family move forward with confidence.

Contact our Midvale product liability attorneys today to learn more during a free consultation.

Product liability claims in Utah

What Makes a Product Defective & Who Is Liable for the Damages That Result?

Product liability claims may include using defective products associated with pharmaceuticals, medical devices, automobiles or their parts, and everyday consumer products, such as electronics, appliances, or toys, unsafe due to defects.

Typically, three essential production factors lead to product defects, which often result in injuries or tragic fatalities.

They include:

  • Design Defects

Design defects are flaws in a product’s intended design that make it inherently unsafe. Even if the product is manufactured perfectly according to specifications, it is still dangerous due to its design.

  • Manufacturing Defects

Manufacturing defects are errors that occur during the production or assembly of a product. These defects are not intended by the design but happen due to mistakes in the manufacturing process.

  • Marketing Defects (Failure to Warn)

Marketing defects include inadequate instructions, warnings, or labeling that fail to inform consumers about the proper use of the product or the potential risks associated with its use.

Product liability claims are investigated to ensure proper liability is established so our skilled personal injury attorneys in Salt Lake City can pursue the at-fault party, or combination of parties, for our clients’ injuries.

That may include determining:

  • Strict Liability

The manufacturer or seller can be held liable if the product is found to be defective, regardless of whether they were negligent. Representing the plaintiff, we only need to prove that the defect existed and caused the injury.

  • Negligence

The plaintiff must prove that the manufacturer or seller failed to exercise reasonable care in the design, manufacturing, or warning of potential risks and that this negligence led to the injury.

  • Breach of Warranty

Claims can be based on the breach of express or implied warranties. Express warranties are specific promises the seller makes about the product, while implied warranties are unspoken and unwritten guarantees that the product is safe for use.

  • Fraud or Misrepresentation

Claims can arise if a manufacturer or seller knowingly misrepresented the safety or efficacy of a product, leading to consumer harm.

Parties that can be held liable for product liability injuries and fatalities may include:

  • Manufacturers: The entity that designed, produced, or assembled the product.
  • Distributors: Companies that distribute the product to retailers or directly to consumers.
  • Retailers: The sellers who offer the product for sale to consumers.
  • Suppliers: Entities that supply components or parts used in the final product.

When you partner with Waddoups Law Personal Injury Attorneys, our team becomes your team. While some claims take longer than others, depending on their challenges and problems, remember that you can always communicate with your team. If you have questions, concerns, frustrations, or stress during the process, please let your team know so they can help and reassure you.

Waddoups Law Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help With Your Injuries, Your Case

Unfortunately, when Utah residents and visitors contact our team of skilled product liability attorneys in Midvale, they have sustained injuries due to somebody who failed to act reasonably. Everyone has a duty to act reasonably in their life. When somebody chooses not to act reasonably and injures another person, that conduct allows you to recover your losses through the tort system. Your team is trained in the area of tort law and all of the ins and outs of handling your claim and putting it together, and we will help you pursue your claim.

Times will be very stressful, medical bills may pile up, or you may have anxiety or frustration over the claims process. Some claims take longer than others, depending on the challenges and problems that the claim presents.

Remember to always keep in communication with your team.

If you have questions, concerns, frustrations, or stress during the process, please let your team know so they can help you and reassure you about the process. Even though there is no guarantee of how your claim will be resolved, your team has the experience and has successfully resolved over 90% of the claims we are retained on. Each claim is different, and each client is different. However, we all have an interest. Your claim is the personal injury or wrongful death claim. Those claims are not billed hourly by your attorney. Your team works on a contingency fee.

If we do not get you a recovery, you owe us no money for the attorney’s time, and we write off all the costs we have incurred in your case.

If we do get a recovery, we take our contingency fee according to the contract and any costs we have incurred to advance your case forward. Your team will do everything we can to increase and obtain the compensation you deserve. The better we build your case, the more compensation we retain for you, which increases the amount of compensation for the work done on your case. Accordingly, we are interested in doing everything we can to build you the most robust case possible under the facts and circumstances of your case to ensure you get all the compensation you deserve. In turn, the higher the amount we can obtain for you in your recovery, the more we do to the contingency nature of the relationship.

Most people cannot afford to pay an attorney weekly or monthly by the hour.

Those who try to do so find out that the attorneys who bill by the hour are usually cost-prohibitive. Most people do not have the resources to pay $5,000 or $10,000 per month to keep their case going. That is why personal injury attorneys do the cases on a contingency basis so an injured party who may be missing work and has a pile of medical bills does not have to now pay an attorney weekly or monthly on an hourly basis to move their case forward. In other words, we are in a case with you and take the risk with you. If you do not recover any compensation, your team does not. In addition, we do not get reimbursed for the costs we paid to move your case forward. All of that is simply written off.

We appreciate you contacting our office, and we look forward to working with you to build the best and strongest case we can for you, given the circumstances and challenges that your case may present.


Contact Our Trusted Product Liability Attorneys in Salt Lake City, Utah to Discuss Your Claim During a Free Consultation

Waddoups Law Personal Injury Attorneys has represented thousands of Utah clients, successfully obtaining settlements during negotiations and fighting for their rights and optimal outcomes in jury trials for more than 90 combined years.

If you have been hurt or lost a loved one using a defective product in Utah, contact our Salt Lake City product liability attorneys today to discuss your claim during a free consultation. We provide top-notch legal representation on a contingency basis and never recover any legal fees until we win your case. Even then, we promise our clients that their net settlement will be more than our legal fee recovery percentage because it is the right way to do business.